时间:2014年11月3日 2014~2015上学期第11周 星期一
班级:八年级十一班主持 八年级全体
班主任:李平波 指导老师:李平波 刘淑清 陈晶晶
主持人:李俊红 演讲:张天润 赵 静 旗手、护旗手:校国旗护卫队
大家早上好!今天我们演讲的题目是:做一个感恩的人。(Dear teachers and schoolmates:Good morning! Today, our topic is to be a grateful person. )
感恩,从古至今都是一种文明的礼仪,是一种生活态度,是一种知足,一种珍惜,一种前进,更是一种健康的心态,所以学会感恩非常重要。(Up to now, gratitude is always the kind of civilized etiquette; is an attitude of living that is contentment and cherishing the everything you have. Even it is healthy mentality. So it is very important to learn to be a grateful person.)
人们常说:“父母是我们人生的第一任老师。”父爱与母爱是最平凡,又是最伟大的恩情。是谁把你带到这个多姿多彩的世界?是谁教会了你走人生的第一步?是父母。天大地大,父母恩大,他们在我们的人生道路上扮演着重要的角色。所以,我们要感谢他们,努力学习,不给父母添麻烦。( In our daily life we should express our gratitude to our parents. Parents’ love is ordinary and greatest kindness. Who gives your life ,you have chance to experience the colourful world? The first word we speak ,first smile we expressed ,first step towards independence,which are all full of our parents’endeavour.So Every single one of us has a responsibility to focus on our schoolwork even we have challenges in your lives right now. )
感恩老师。披星戴月,老师额上的皱纹因我们而生;成败荣辱,我们的快乐牵动着老师的心。夜已深,我们已入梦,而老师仍在桌前备课,仍在为我们的事情发愁。老师像那默默无闻的树根,使小树茁壮成长。在老师的教诲中我们一天天长大,我们永远不能忘记自己的恩师。(We feel the tenderest gratitude for our distinguished teachers. You devoted yourselves to educational business day and night, wrinkle crawling your foreheads .You focus on everything, our success,failure, honour and disgrace.Midnight we are asleep while you are preparing lessons .We are growing up day by day from small tree to a towering tree ,you always provide the opportunity to develop ability and loving attitude for all things.So never never forget our teachers’instruction whatever we do, wherever we go in the future.)
感恩学校。是学校为我们营造了一种和谐竞争的学习环境;是学校给我们提供了展示自我的平台;是各种社团让我们在轻松愉悦中学习知识。学校,给予了我们太多。让我们共勉:奇迹是人创造的,努力从现在开始。(We are thankful for our respectful principal and our school. Harmonious competitive atmosphere was created and platform was provided to present ourselves. Our ability was cultivated in our all kinds associations. From now ,let’s have mutual encouragement and to create the miracle for our own Zhengzhou foreign language middle school.)
感恩祖国。早晨,雄壮的国歌响彻大地,鲜艳的五星红旗随着朝阳一同升起,飘扬的国旗就像母亲微笑着张开双臂。因为祖国安定,我们才能安心学习;因为祖国富强,我们中华儿女才会有尊严。今天,我们应该用全部的聪明才智和生命热血来建设我们的祖国。 (We feel grateful our motherland. In the morning when the national anthem was resound through the ground, the vivid Five-starred Red flag was raised with the sun, we are proud of being a Chinese extremely. Owing to our stable nation ,we can be concerntrate on our study .Because our nation are prosper and strong ,the Chinese people have dignity . In their long history, we have created a colorful and brilliant civilization. Development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Chinese people. The Chinese people have contributed to the development with unyielding spirit , our talent even our life.)
感恩青葱岁月中有朋友陪伴。在我们伤心时,朋友能倾听我们的倾诉。我们要珍惜这份友谊,在朋友需要我们时,伸出一只手。(We are thankful for your accompany during the Green Day. When we are sad and depressed, our friends always listen to our innermost feelings, and we cherish the friendship. When we are in trouble, you are always stay with us.)
我们还应感恩生活,是生活让我们懂得了什么是苦什么是甜,一步步走向成熟。我们得感谢灾难,因为它使我们懂得不经风雨不见彩虹的道理,使我们明白了成功的珍贵和来之不易。因为怀了感恩的心,我们毫不畏惧,倒了,爬起来,继续前进。(We are also grateful for the life. We experience the colorful life which constitutes sadness, kindness and love. We are thankful for the failure because we know “failure is the mother of success.” )
人生是一场漫长的苦旅,但我们总会遇见命运的恩惠。滴水之恩,涌泉相报;衔草结环,以报恩德。把所有的经历化作感恩,你会从容、淡然,与人为善。(Life is a long journey full of the hardness but we can always meet the blessing .We know the essence of life “little help brings much return.” “make a grass knot or champ a ring in order to repay kindness”.)
我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!(That’s all, thank for your listening)
上一篇: | 市政协主席王璋寄语外语中学“大有希望” |
下一篇: | 关于建设节约型校园实施方案 |