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阅读数:5241 更新时间:2016-03-22

    中英文演讲:崔媛媛 王佩婕
    护旗手:王浦航 马照涵
    指导老师:王磊 邢秀娟

Dear teachers and students,good morning.Today,our topic is‘< A year's plan starts in spring >

    The winds blow soft green willows, also aroused our passion. We start the new term with new hope and power.
    Spring is short, we should cherish and grasp the best time to learn. Please think about these, do you finish everyday tasks? Do you try your best to solve all the problems on study? We must cherish every day every class even every minute and start from now .
    上课认真听讲,充分利用自己的空余时间,勤奋刻苦学习,不在这个春天里给自己留下遗憾。只有把握好你生命的每一分钟,你才能攀上理想之巅, 到达成功的彼岸。
    And listen to teachers carefully in the class, make full use of our spare time to study. Don’t leave your regret in spring. Only grasp every minute in your life, you can climb to the top of the ideal, to get success.
    春是成长的季节,我们更要努力学习,刻苦锻炼,不断的提升自己,长知识,长身体,长修养,长才干。我们需要一步一个脚印,踏踏实实地学习,书山有路勤为径, 只要我们都不断进步,终有一天会到达成功的顶峰,绽放出美丽的花朵。
    Spring is a growing season, so we must study hard, exercise hard to improve ourselves. Then we can become much stronger, more knowledgeable and graceful and have more ability. We need to study step by step and be hard-working. As long as we can keep making progress, eventually we can get success.
    In such a beautiful spring, we should also pay attention to our safety. When we exercise,don’t do those violent activities .When we go up or down the stairs, please walk along the right side.
    During the break,don’t chase each other or climb the doors, windows and railings. Don’t play ball games in the teaching buildings. We must exercise in an organized way,and grow happily and safely in our school.
    A year's plan starts in spring, the life’s plan starts in hard work. Let’s study hard and grow up safely together in spring. Thanks for listening.
